quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

EXAM 1Z0-042

EXAME 1Z0-042 é o próximo passo.
O exame é composto por 84 questões. O nível de acerto deve ser no mínimo de 70%, o preço da prova é de 125,00 USD.
A melhor maneira de estudar é percorrer Item por Item , resolvendo exercicios, dando exemplos e fazendo simulados pertinente ao assunto já estudado
Segue a lista dos 18 assuntos da PROVA 1z0-042:

1) Architecture

  1. Outline the Oracle Architecture and its main Components
  2. Explain the Oracle instance architecture

2) Installing the Oracle Database Software

  1. Identify common database administrative tools available to a DBA (1)
  2. Use optimal flexible architecture
  3. Install software with Oracle Universal Installer
  4. Identify and configure commonly used environment variables
  5. Use Installer Log (2)

3) Creating an Oracle Database

  1. Use DBCA to Create a database
  2. Use DBCA to Delete a database
  3. Use DBCA to manage templates

4) Managing the Oracle Instance

  1. Use Enterprise Manager
  2. Use SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus to access the Oracle Database
  3. Modify database initialization parameters
  4. Describe the stages of database startup
  5. Describe the database shutdown options
  6. View the database alert log
  7. Use dynamic performance views (3)

5) Managing Database Storage Structures

  1. Describe how table row data is stored in blocks (4)
  2. Define the purpose of tablespaces and data files
  3. Explain space management in tablespaces
  4. Create tablespaces
  5. Manage tablespaces: alter, drop, take offline, put online, add data files, make read-only or read-write, generate DDL
  6. Obtain tablespace information
  7. Explain key features and benefits of ASM (5)

6) Administering User Security

  1. Create and manage database user accounts
  2. Create and manage roles
  3. Grant and revoke privileges
  4. Create and manage profiles (6)

7) Managing Schema Objects

  1. Create and modify tables
  2. Define constraints and states of constraints (7)
  3. Dropping and truncating tables (7)
  4. Create and use B-Tree and Bitmap indexes (8)
  5. Create Views
  6. Create sequences
  7. Use data dictionary

8) Managing Data and Concurrency

  1. Manipulate data through the use of SQL
  2. Identify and administer PL/SQL objects
  3. Describe triggers and triggering events
  4. Define levels of locking
  5. List possible causes of lock conflict
  6. Monitor and resolve lock conflicts

9) Managing Undo Data

  1. Monitor and administer undo
  2. Configure undo retention
  3. Describe the relationship between undo and transactions
  4. Size the undo tablespace

10) Implementing Oracle Database Security

  1. Apply the principle of least privilege
  2. Audit database activity
  3. Implement Fine-Grained Auditing

11) Configuring the Oracle Network Environment

  1. Use Database Control to Create additional listeners
  2. Use Database Control to Create Oracle Net service aliases
  3. Control Oracle Net Listeners
  4. Identify when to use shared servers versus dedicated servers

12) Proactive Maintenance

  1. Gather optimizer statistics
  2. Manage the Automatic Workload Repository
  3. Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
  4. Set warning and critical alert thresholds
  5. React to performance issues

13) Performance Management

  1. Use enterprise manager to view performance (9)
  2. Tune SQL by using SQL tuning advisor (10)
  3. Tune SQL by using SQL access advisor
  4. Use automatic shared memory management (11)
  5. Use the memory advisor to size memory buffer (11)

14) Backup and Recovery Concepts

  1. Describe the types of failure that may occur in an Oracle Database
  2. Identify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archived log files
  3. Tuning instance recovery
  4. Configure a database for recoverability
  5. Configure ARCHIVELOG mode

15) Performing Database Backup

  1. Create consistent database backups
  2. Back up your database without shutting it down
  3. Create incremental backups
  4. Automate database backups
  5. Backup a control file to trace
  6. Monitor flash recovery area

16) Performing Database Recovery

  1. Recover from loss of a Control file
  2. Recover from loss of a Redo log file
  3. Recover from loss of a system-critical data file
  4. Recover from loss of a non system-critical data file

17) Performing Flashback

  1. Describe flashback database (12)
  2. Resotore the table contents to a specific point in time (12)
  3. Recover from a dropped table (12)
  4. Use Flashback Query to view the contents of the database as of any single point of time (12)
  5. View transaction history or row with flashback transaction query (12)

18) Moving Data

  1. Describe the general architecture of Data Pump (13)
  2. Use Data Pump export and import to move data between Oracle databases
  3. Load data with SQL Loader (14)
  4. Use external tables to move data (14)

Acredito que para fazer essa prova, seja necessário ao menos 200 horas de estudo. Três horas por dia durante pouco mais de 2 meses e já se pode fazer a prova.
Ok, eu sei. Três horas pode parecer muito tempo, ainda mais para pessoas que trabalham, estudam e possuem amigos e família, como eu. Mas a grande sacada esta em aproveitar todos os momentos do dia...e fazer render o tempo.
Existem técnicas de estudos que tratam do aprimoramento do conhecimento e da capacidade das pessoas guardarem as informações que adquirem. Pretendo postar algo sobre isso em breve.

Em, breve também começo a pesquisa a respeito do primeiro item da prova.

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